Prepare yourself for the SC-900 exam

Prepare yourself for the SC-900 exam with expert-provided guidance and free access to hands-on labs and free practice tests.

Join this webinar, designed for individuals and professionals who want to excel in the compliance and cyber security field and would like to understand Microsoft cloud security services. 

During the webinar, our expert speaker will demonstrate various capabilities of Microsoft Identity, access management solutions, security solutions, and much more, with the help of CloudLabs hands-on experience.  

All webinar attendees get free access to Cloudlabs, a hands-on lab environment to improve and master the necessary skills. Also, we are providing free Practice Tests to help you perform with all excellence and confidence for your SC-900: Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals exam.  

Who is it for: 

  • Individuals appearing for SC-900: Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals Exam. 
  • Individuals who wish to start a career in Cloud Security and Compliance with a non-technical background. 

Why you should join: 

  • Get expert guidance with a 2-hour session on how to prepare for the exam. 
  • Get free access to hands-on labs worth $50 to get technical training. 
  • Get free Practice Tests worth $30 to appear well prepared for the exam. 
  • Get 24/7 support from our team for any technical issues. 
  •  Take your Microsoft Azure capabilities to the next level with Microsoft security, compliance, identity, and access management solutions. 


  • Provide you with the necessary course details. 
  • Boost your preparations for the exam with expert tips and guidelines. 
  • Free hands-on labs to further augment your technical skills. 
  • A free practice test to help you prepare for the exam.  

Skills measured: 

  • Describe the concepts of security, compliance, and identity (10-15%) 
  • Describe the capabilities of Microsoft identity and access management solutions (30-35%) 
  • Describe the capabilities of Microsoft security solutions (35-40%) 
  • Describe the capabilities of Microsoft compliance solutions (25-30%) 

Cost: FREE


Time Zone : 24th March 2022 at 8:00 AM PST| Register Here

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